Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hemet Double Century - 1st place overall

My history with the Hemet Double Century.
2003 - 3rd place
2004 - 1st place
Last year I was planning to do it, but I couldn't get up at 4am to make the drive.

This year was a different story. I woke up at 4am and made it there just in time for the 6am start. Most riders start between 4 and 6am depending how long they think they're going to take. When I was finally ready to leave, I checked out at 6:17am. I was dead last and ready to start picking everybody off. I had passed 5 riders by the time I arrived at the 1st rest stop at mile 36. I passed another 10 when I reached rest stop #2 (mile 65). Now I can see riders up the road everywhere and that helps me not make a wrong turn and get lost. By the time I finish the first loop (107 miles) I quickly check the sign in sheet and only 20-30 riders have checked in. Most of them started at 4-5am. Pork and pasta for lunch and I'm ready to go.
The 2nd loop had less stop lights, more climbing and a mean headwind. I reach the first rest stop for the 2nd loop (137 miles) and Frank Neal tells me I'm the first double century rider there. That's a good thing to hear, but I also know I'm not going to see anybody up the road for the rest of the day. I take off knowing it's going to be a very lonely 70 miles to the finish. While I'm daydreaming about my victory, I look back and see a rider in white about 20 seconds back. I quickly surge up to 25mph into the headwind. I'm going to make this guy work if he thinks he's going to get a free ride for the next 65 miles to the finish. Now I have a nice little climb that I surge over and that should do it. I reach the next stop at 163 miles and they are happy to see me, I'm the first rider there. I was there a little too long (10 minutes) and while I'm leaving the next rider comes in wearing a white RAAM jersey. I lose 5 minutes at one point in Lake Elsinore thinking I'm lost. I wasn't, just didn't understand the route slip. Last rest stop at 179 miles and they're happy to see me too (1st one there). I don't really crave any food there so I fill up a bottle and take off. I tried to keep the pace up but the headwind and crosswinds were rough. Not much fanfare at the finish. No reporters or cameras. Just good food, more pork, pasta, cake and rice crispy treats.
1st Place Overall
First Loop - 5:36
Second Loop - 5:46